Monday, April 25, 2011

Healing From Divorce For Men

Healing from divorce for men is a rough road. Many men have travelled this path though before you and most of those succeed eventually in leaving their past behind them and rebuilding a better life. Unfortunately, sometimes this take them YEARS to achieve, and some guys - well - they get sidetracked and never make it out of the pit of resentment, depression, and even poverty that divorce has inflicted upon them.

This state of affairs stems form a number of facts, such as: That men do not ask for help, that mean are rarely given help, that people expect men to just deal with it, and that men expect that they can deal with it despite evidence to the contrary!

Men want to solve problems though, and post-divorce healing is a problem and half! However, we are usually poorly equipped to handle this sort of problem. We often lack the emotional toolkit to apply to this dilemma and so end up trying solutions that are ot going to work - and often make things worse too.

This is where the self help market is helping. By giving men a set of tools they can use for healing from divorce for men. Once a man knows the problem, and knows the tools, the rest is all about motivation which most men can muster with ease when the path is clear.

As such, I highly recommend one particular e-book on the subject to help moving on from divorce for men. This one strikes me because it is not about "winning" a divorce, but solely concentrates on how to live AFTER the divorce. How to HEAL from a divorce. It may not be everyone’s answer, but I think for most guys this will be a great help. Click below to find out more.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Curing Mens Divorce Depression

Curing Mens Divorce Depression
Curing men's divorce depression is something that thwarts many guys. It is the most difficult phase in the cycle of grief that you will experience because unlike anger, bargaining an denial, it is not possible to "run out of steam" like those previous stages. depression can be ongoing. for some it can be crippling, for others it is a malaise that hangs around them day after day slowly wearing them down and draining them of hope and ambition. All depressed men after divorce need to get rid of this terrible condition but it is certainly not a cakewalk.

Depression usually comes from isolation. This does not mean being totally alone, but it does mean being disconnected from other people in everyday life. The more a man feels alienated, misunderstood and totally alone - the more they will sink inot a depressive state. It is not something you just "snap out of", and treating it with medication is a short term fix that will not bring any long term benefit.

One mistake men often make is thinking that depression comes form low self esteem. This leads to mean trying  lots of things to boost their esteem of themselves. This can lead to short term romantic encounters that don’t go anywhere, alcoholism, fighting, risk taking for no good reason, and many other problems. Once the short term effects of boosting your self esteem fad you are still left with nothing and feel even worse.

Curing depression after divorce for men therefore is about reconnecting.

Reconnecting with people, reconnecting with yourself, building a new life form the ruins and forming a new network of social support. To start with though, you need to take a step to reconnect - just one to start with, then another in a few days ro a week, then another and so on. Each step will not cure you, but will take you closer each time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moving On From Painful Divorce For Guys

Moving On From Painful Divorce For Guys
When you are moving on from a painful divorce there is a lot to consider and a lot of ground to cover. There is a massive amount hinging on doing the right things in the right order or you might stumble and fall into a situation you don’t want. For example:
  • Alcoholism and drugs.
  • Anger issues leading to many conflicts and burned bridges.
  • Depression and even suicidal thoughts.
  • Getting into a relationship too fast and destroying it
  • Getting into another marriage too fast to find it is a bad one
  • Financial ruin
  • and more ...
With all this possible and more, you need to know how to navigate this minefield of turbulent emotions and possible conflicts. There are a few things you need to be aware of.
  1. There are 5 stages of grief and divorce recovery we all go through when we suffer great loss and divorce is the same.
  2. The stages are denial - anger - bargaining - depression - acceptance.
  3. Each stage can be progressed through quickly, but each must be experienced for better healing after divorce.
  4. Your emotional pain is not caused by your situation, it is caused by the massive change that leaves you without a sense of self causing much of this soul searching. It is more than feeling rejected ...
So to move on means to experience these things and let them go one at a time. Being aware of your journey before you start on it is one very important way you can move on in a step by step manner until you set yourself free from the misery of post divorce life guys!

Monday, April 18, 2011

How To Forget Your Ex Wife

Do you want to know how to forget your ex wife? Are you plagued by memories both good and bad? Is this constant regret and painful recollection destroying your chances of moving on with your life after divorce? Then you need to take action to get rid of these memories and forget them ... or at least lower their intensity and recurrence to the point where it does not bother you anymore.

So how do you do this you might ask? Well you do not need to cut your brain and and reqire it, nothing so drastic! However you do need to change those memories by rewiring your brain in a more psychological sense. Memories are burned into your brain the more intense they are. Intensity means your mind remembers them because they were special, or serve as a warning, or something similar.

You need to take action to lessen how ingrained these memories are in your conscious thought. There are a number of tricks that help you do this faster to heal from divorce such as:
  • Visualisation techniques - Remembering memories and treating them as visual and audio object to be manipulated in your imagination in very helpful. You can take individual memories and apply visualisation techniques to lower their intensity to something that is much less bothersome.
  • Meditation - Meditation is actually a way you can reprogram your brain. Sorting through memories while meditation allows you great power over those memories.
  • Letting Go - Akin to visualisation, letting go is simply the act of actively remembering a memory rather than letting it come to you unbidden. You then really remember it as strongly as you can no matter how painful, you absorb it all rather than fight it, at the end - release it as if you have taken everything from it you can. Live it once fully then let it go.