Friday, April 22, 2011

Curing Mens Divorce Depression

Curing Mens Divorce Depression
Curing men's divorce depression is something that thwarts many guys. It is the most difficult phase in the cycle of grief that you will experience because unlike anger, bargaining an denial, it is not possible to "run out of steam" like those previous stages. depression can be ongoing. for some it can be crippling, for others it is a malaise that hangs around them day after day slowly wearing them down and draining them of hope and ambition. All depressed men after divorce need to get rid of this terrible condition but it is certainly not a cakewalk.

Depression usually comes from isolation. This does not mean being totally alone, but it does mean being disconnected from other people in everyday life. The more a man feels alienated, misunderstood and totally alone - the more they will sink inot a depressive state. It is not something you just "snap out of", and treating it with medication is a short term fix that will not bring any long term benefit.

One mistake men often make is thinking that depression comes form low self esteem. This leads to mean trying  lots of things to boost their esteem of themselves. This can lead to short term romantic encounters that don’t go anywhere, alcoholism, fighting, risk taking for no good reason, and many other problems. Once the short term effects of boosting your self esteem fad you are still left with nothing and feel even worse.

Curing depression after divorce for men therefore is about reconnecting.

Reconnecting with people, reconnecting with yourself, building a new life form the ruins and forming a new network of social support. To start with though, you need to take a step to reconnect - just one to start with, then another in a few days ro a week, then another and so on. Each step will not cure you, but will take you closer each time.

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